
face up the fact pple (i mean to those love hopefuls)
there's nO such thing as that kind of love (i.e: happiness, passion, wanting 2 b with each other, romantic blahx)
i'm nt beng pessimistic or suffering from some post syndrome lOlx.
it's just tt we have to be realistic (learnt tt in emotions lect).
Love isn't hedonistic, love is realistic.
Love isn't just:
- romance
- passion
- i'll die for you
- i'll love you for the rest of my life
- i'll give you my kidney if you need it
- quarrels
- disenchantment
- expecting things in return
- weighing pros and cons of r/s
- distrust
- a kind of contract that once the cons outweighs the pros, that's more or less over.
i guess everyone's so used to the hedonistic (idealist) approach that when we face with those conflicts, we feel we dun 'love' the person as much as we used to.
wells to those who are clear enuff to see it, conflicts are part of love.
We not love the person less but we love him/ her in another way..
like at least we do worry/ get frustrated we're suffering frm some conflict & afraid our feelings for him/ her start to fade away..
as long as we dun get disillusioned and think love isn't like this soO we have to end it, then i guess more people have more permanent r/s...
that goes for marriage! (unless u're talking about unfaithfulness then hmpf! lOlx)
Romance (the ideal part of love) is a tool of the capitalist society used by the government or the media to portray a dream/ fantasy.
In fact people often confuse romance & love...
Love is more of something tt's withstand trials and tribulations..
Romance is smth positive that give pple the vibes in love.
So maybe people got the word 'love' mixed up?
Like people always say "I Love You" when actually dey can mean "I romance/romanize (if there's a verb tt can be used here for romance lolx) you..
Finally I think it's more touching when a person says I Cherish You instead of I Love You..
somehow cherish seems to last a longer time & pple usually mean it when they say that for a long period of time lOlx.